Investment planning

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How do you measure the value of your portfolio?
Have you done a recent portfolio MRI?

By focusing on you and listening carefully, we will construct a professionally managed investment portfolio to meet your requirements for the short, mid, and long term. We will use state of the art tools to analyze the portfolio, however, it is the human element of explanation that provides the foundation of the relationship.

We have always employed the mindset that frequent communication is essential to determine if changes to the portfolio are warranted. Allocation and diversification, risk tolerance, time horizon, liquidity, and tax efficiency are some of the factors that we will discuss with you.

Active portfolio management will identify market trends and conditions, and adjust your portfolio.


Retirement has a New Normal. Have you envisioned what it looks like for you?
Have you saved enough or are you saving enough to have options?
We can help you make sense of it.

Accumulation – Helping you to come up with strategies to save your hard-earned dollars effectively. Q6 Group will factor in what you have already done, and help you to understand the available options to use, while forecasting what retirement may look like.

Distribution – Constructing a good strategy is essential in providing the income needed for the rest of your life. Retirement is going to take on a whole new look. We can work together to make sure you enjoy your life, and your family. Obstacles may occur, and with the appropriate plan, you can navigate through them.


Do you know where you are, and do you know where you are going?

A detailed roadmap will provide you with a course to follow. The plan can include a cash flow analysis, direction on how to achieve your goals, a legacy plan, discuss the risks you may face, and illustrate your current and future financial positions. It can be all-encompassing or focus on a specific goal.

A comprehensive snapshot of everything you have and how it is organized will help to provide financial clarity.


College and graduate school are exorbitantly expensive, and costs continue to escalate.

Understand your options and put together a plan that will help your children succeed.

We can help by projecting costs and providing you with scholarly advice.



Whether you have a question, would like to learn more about us, or find out how we can help, reach out and say "Hi".